HAR: The Power of Corruption
Hodder African Readers are high-interest books designed to appeal to both boys and girls. They are highly motivating adventure and action stories which attract the reader's attention and hold it through the story. Together these titles form a strong, vibrant and attractive supplementary readers series for the African schools.
The Power of Corruption: When a young boy is brutally killed by a man who is deaf and dumb, the subsequent court trial appears to be an open and shut case until the murderer insists that he 'heard' the boy stealing on his farm. But when the judge and the journalists covering the case start to act in a most peculiar fashion, it soon becomes clear to Pius Shale and his attractive assistant, Bisi, that more sinister forces are at work. Before long the two special agents themselves are enmeshed in a sinister web of corruption masterminded by a man bent on overthrowing the legitimate government of the day.