Marketing Research: Methodical Foundation
lExpect superior, balanced coverage of both qualitative and quantitative marketing research with this market leading text from respected marketing authorities Dr. Dawn Iacobucci and Dr. Gilbert Churchill. Recognized as the classic authority for today's marketing research, MARKETING RESEARCH: METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS, Tenth Edition, ensures your students develop a strong conceptual as well as practical understanding of marketing research as it is practiced today. The book's thorough coverage of the six stages of the research process provides a solid marketing research framework while addressing topics and tools of emerging importance. New Qualtrics' research activities and coverage of SPSS 17 provide practice with some of the most popular online survey tools used in business today. With its proven applications, clear presentation, and variety of timely cases, MARKETING RESEARCH: METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS, Tenth Edition, serves as an exceptional learning tool for today's upper-level undergraduate and graduate students now, and as an invaluable reference tool throughout your students' professional careers.
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