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The Sociological Outlook: A Text with Readings

Textbook - Sociology

ISBN: 9780939693542

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This Seventh Edition of The Sociological Outlook incorporates a number of changes, many included in direct response to the suggestions of students and faculty who worked their way through the Sixth Edition. Statistics and some readings are among the updated features. However change for the sake of change has not been the guiding rule. The 'classics' of sociology remain, and the current status of society is reflected in current statistics. Themes of gender and inequality remain interwoven throughout the Seventh Edition. Inequality was a major theme in the Sixth Edition and still receives the attention of an entire chapter. Gender issues play a major role in the institutions chapters while receiving additional attention in other chapters, receiving a major update in Chapter 6. And to aid the student in coping with all this material, chapters now contain study questions that provide the reader with a substantive checklist of important chapter content.

The readings, which follow each chapter, retain the best selections from the first six editions. In addition, some outstanding new articles appear for the first time. 
A Collegiate Press book

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