SyTris Bookshop



ISBN: 9781590200124


On the heels of the success of Edward Albee’s The Collected Plays of Edward Albee, Overlook brings back—in a stand-alone volume—one of Albee’s most cherished plays, a fantastic story of what it means to be alive—winner of the 1975 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. On a deserted stretch of beach, a middle-aged couple relaxes after a picnic lunch and converse idly about home, family, and their life together. She sketches; he naps. Then, suddenly, they are joined by two sea creatures, a pair of lizards from the depths of the ocean, with whom they engage in a fascinating dialogue. The emotional and intellectual reverberations of this bizarre conversation will linger in the heart and the mind long after the curtain falls—or the last page is turned. 

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