Intermediate Accounting
Rated the most satisfying textbook by students in independent research, Spiceland/Sepe/Nelson/Tomassini's "Intermediate Accounting, 5e", has the quality, flexibility, and attention to detail students need to master a challenging subject. It's your Vehicle to Success in the Intermediate Accounting course and beyond! Spiceland/Sepe/Nelson/Tomassini provides a decision maker's perspective to emphasize the professional judgment and critical thinking skills required of accountants today. Reviewers, instructors, and student users of Spiceland have enthusiastically embraced the relaxed, conversational writing style that engages students in an enjoyable and effective learning experience. In addition, accounting's preeminent textbook website provides students a wide variety of electronic learning resources, including new iPod content for the fifth edition. Coach, Study Guide, Instructor's Manual, Solutions Manual, Testbank, and Website content are all created by authors, ensuring seamless compatibility throughout the Spiceland learning package. The end-of-chapter material, too, is written by the author team and tested in their own classes before being included in "Intermediate Accounting". Few areas see the kind of rapid change that accounting does, and the Spiceland team is committed to keeping current. The fifth edition fully integrates all the latest FASB Standards, and the authors are committed to keeping you updated with all relevant content changes throughout the edition.