The Business Environment(6th Ed)
"The Business Environment" offers a comprehensive introduction to the factors at work in today's business environment, both within the organizations and in the wider environment in which businesses operate. It includes chapters on; political environment, social and demographic environment, organizational objectives, types of organization, the competitive environment and the international environment. Plus, reflecting the continuing evolution of the business environment, this book includes new and up-to-date coverage of: business ethics; cultural identity; the emerging economic power of China and India; data privacy; and climate change. Each chapter contains mini case vignettes that use real life examples to illustrate business environment issues. In additions you'll find a full case study at the end of each chapter, as well as five extended cases studies at the back of the book. Companies featured include: Thomas Cook, Ford and 3. In addition to its reader friendly writing style, this book boasts a full range of learning tools. Each chapter includes: Learning Objectives, Thinking around the Subject boxes, Case Studies, Review Questions, Activities and Further Reading. An Online Learning Centre accompanies "The Business Environment" by Adrian Palmer and Bob Hartley. As well as Lecturer's Resources this site includes the following resources for students: multiple choice self-test questions; web Links; and a glossary.