Determined To Do More :The Mission Is Im Possible
Journey along with Nenyi George Andah, as he weaves stories of his childhood- teens, and adulthood guided by his Can-Do attitude. His captivating and exciting life stories,provide a brilliant tool for anyone to imagine their future.
Geraldine Nartey(nee Andah)
Determined To Do More is an uplifting story of struggles,successes,personal tragedy and an unending desire not to give up.
Ras Mubarak (Former MP, Kumbungu Constituency)
My recommendation is to read how the last child of John and Theresa Andah got to where he is today. You wouldn't struggle to go through in a few hours of light reading
Ato Attah (MD, Graphic Communications Group Limited)
The life of Nenyi George Andah as detailed in this thriller is so captivating. Readers will be held spellbound by the roller-coaster events that define his illustrious life.
Dr. Joseph K. Essibu (Board Chairman , Cocoa Marking Company, Ghana, Founder & Executive Director, Ideal College)
The story of the young man who saw the possibilities of mobile money long before anyone believed Ghanaians could be persuaded to appreciate the merits of cashless transactions.
Elizabeth Akua Ohene